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Book Club: Reading thread The Leopard by Tomasi Di Lampedusa

Posted: January 8th, 2017, 6:18 pm
by midnightcatprowl
Thread for comments and discussion while you are reading the book. Be aware that comments may contain spoilers. Helpful if you can indicate at the start if you think your comment contains spoilers.

Re: Book Club: Reading thread The Leopard by Tomasi Di Lampedusa

Posted: January 12th, 2017, 9:43 pm
by MistyMeena
Thank you for selecting this book. I had a quick look through the foreword and the translator's note at the beginning of my copy and then almost missed the first chapter because it is entitled "Introduction to the Prince" and I thought it was more preamble. Dozy me!

I was reading the first couple of pages waiting at the station and was wondering what I'd got myself into as it opens in a mass. I put the book on the seat next to me on the train while I took my coat off and the man opposite said he was halfway through it following a recommendation on, he thought, the World Service having never heard of it before. He implied it was a good recommendation. By the time we alighted I have to say I was deep into it (although not far through).


Re: Book Club: Reading thread The Leopard by Tomasi Di Lampedusa

Posted: January 13th, 2017, 8:25 am
by midnightcatprowl
and then almost missed the first chapter because it is entitled "Introduction to the Prince" and I thought it was more preamble.

Yes I made a start on it yesterday too but I'm not convinced now that I was at the 'start', will have to look again. I'm reading it on a Kindle which seems to make it even harder to decide.

Re: Book Club: Reading thread The Leopard by Tomasi Di Lampedusa

Posted: April 23rd, 2017, 1:06 pm
by carrie80
I'm listening to this as an audiobook and am currently about 1/4 through. I'm finding it pleasant but nondescript. It's a soothing, enjoyable listen, but it feels quite meandering, there's not much of a plot and it's easy to zone out for parts. While I've enjoyed what I have listened to so far, I don't feel a particular compulsion to get back to it, so I've temporarily moved on to other listening, although I do plan to go back and continue with it soon.

Re: Book Club: Reading thread The Leopard by Tomasi Di Lampedusa

Posted: June 10th, 2017, 8:23 am
by DiamondEcho
My father gave me the copy of this that he bought and dated 1965. I read it long ago and have had it in the queue [the chair by my bed] for a year waiting to re-read it.