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Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 4:48 pm
by Dod101
I am sorry to say that in my humble opinion the site in general has deteriorated markedly compared to its general standing immediately after the move from TLF. A few posters (I suspect we all know who they are) have particular points of view that they project ad nauseum to the extent that is not worthwhile even bothering to read them. I have not tried to but I suspect that if we did a count, there will be more non investment posts than posts even vaguely relating to investment topics most days. Yet it still claims on the masthead to be a site for discussion of Shares, Investment and Personal Finance. It should say simply Discussion Forums in order to provide guidance for any newbies.

So my suggestion is to open a new site TLF Two or some such so that those who want to ramble on about non investment topics can have a dedicated site and leave those with an interest in investing to have a site dedicated to that.


Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 4:56 pm
by csearle
I think that if one sticks to only reading posts on Investors Roundtable then almost all overtly political posts can be easily avoided. A lot less work than starting up a new website. C.

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 5:27 pm
by Tedx
Dod, whilst I enjoy your posts and respect your opinions immensely, I have a feeling TLF just isnt the site for you.

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 5:37 pm
by XFool
This yet again?... :roll:

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 5:40 pm
by mc2fool
Dod101 wrote:A few posters (I suspect we all know who they are) have particular points of view that they project ad nauseum...

Ah, the irony! Have you totted up the number of times you've projected your too many non investment posts point of view? :lol:

Dod101 wrote:I have not tried to but I suspect that if we did a count, there will be more non investment posts than posts even vaguely relating to investment topics most days.

Top two posters:

Lootman 17236 posts
Dod101 15434 posts

Yeah, do a count. :D

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 5:47 pm
by Lootman
mc2fool wrote:
Dod101 wrote:I have not tried to but I suspect that if we did a count, there will be more non investment posts than posts even vaguely relating to investment topics most days.

Top two posters:

Lootman 17236 posts
Dod101 15434 posts

Yeah, do a count. :D

Ah but Dod and I only account for 6% of TLF posts. So Dod could still easily be correct.

A better approach might be to count the total number of posts for each investment board and compare to the total number of posts on non-investment boards. Those numbers are conveniently listed by board on the main (home) menu.

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 5:49 pm
by XFool
One thing I've noticed. It's always the same people complaining.

Dodd101 wrote:So my suggestion is to open a new site TLF Two or some such so that those who want to ramble on about non investment topics can have a dedicated site and leave those with an interest in investing to have a site dedicated to that.

I'd like to suggest that it is the people who are always complaining who ought to start up their own site.

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 5:52 pm
by Lootman
XFool wrote:One thing I've noticed. It's always the same people complaining.

Is that a complaint?

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 5:52 pm
by XFool
Lootman wrote:
XFool wrote:One thing I've noticed. It's always the same people complaining.

Is that a complaint?


Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 5:55 pm
by mc2fool
Lootman wrote:
mc2fool wrote:Top two posters:

Lootman 17236 posts
Dod101 15434 posts

Yeah, do a count. :D

Ah but Dod and I only account for 6% of TLF posts. So Dod could still easily be correct.

My point was actually a continuation of my "Ah, the irony!" comment, as I suspect that Dod is one of those posters that posts more on non investment matters than investment ones. (You I'm certain of but that's not the irony.)

To Dod I say, physician heal thyself!

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 5:56 pm
by SalvorHardin
I've largely stopped posting on TLF. The ongoing takeover saga of Manchester United has meant that I spend more time on fan forums than I used to and there are a lot of people on these sites with financial questions. I can do far more good there than here.

Then there's Seeking Alpha, which is far more in tune with my investing as it's nearly all America and Canada.

I nearly posted on the anti-woke HYP thread (about the merits of "unethical investing", saw that it was on HYP Practical and decided that if I did the post would probably be deleted because of HYP's strict rules. So I didn't bother.

Also I'm fed up with the incessant Brexit posts and the petty post scoring by the usual suspects. That, various post deletions and that I was recently libelled in one post has made me think "why bother"

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 6:08 pm
by Tedx
I must be one of the few that enjoys everybody's posts.

It doesn't matter if they're investment related or funny, serious, sad, happy or whatever....or not. Or if the person has or is known for having a personal agenda.

At the end of the day, I always come away from the Fool having learnt something. Or amused. Or enriched.

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 6:17 pm
by BullDog
I wholly recommend the ignore function that our hosts conveniently provide to enable posts from users you don't wish to read aren't shown. It's not perfect because you can still see quoted posts. But using that and a bit of common sense here does make for a less frustrating experience.

I would also recommend thinking for 3 or 4 seconds before replying to posts or before clicking the submit button. I regularly type out replies but throw them away before submitting them.

There's a small number of posters here who simply must have the final word on every topic in every thread. Life's a lot more pleasant not engaging even if one chooses to read such posts. I usually ignore them anyway by using the ignore function.

I hope my response helps just a little bit since it's definitely not about personal finance or investing.

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 6:18 pm
by kiloran
Tedx wrote:I must be one of the few that enjoys everybody's posts.

Or perhaps one of the majority.
The site is what it is. Restricted to pure investment discussions, it would die. It's a social community with a slant towards investment matters. And long may that continue, though a few posters do stretch my tolerant nature with their "must have the last word" attitude.


Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 6:22 pm
by richfool
Tedx wrote:I must be one of the few that enjoys everybody's posts.

It doesn't matter if they're investment related or funny, serious, sad, happy or whatever....or not. Or if the person has or is known for having a personal agenda.

At the end of the day, I always come away from the Fool having learnt something. Or amused. Or enriched.

I'm afraid I would have to add "bored" in capital letters, to that list. As that is what I feel when I look at the frequent non investment posts, the petty Brexit and political scoring posts etc. I have just about gone (left) now. So far I still manage a quick daily look, just in case, to my surprise, there is an interesting investment (IT's or Strategies type) post.

Unfortunately, this conversation has been had before and nothing changed, so I get the message and am letting my fingers do the walking, as the expression went.

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 7:41 pm
by Dod101
mc2fool wrote:
Dod101 wrote:A few posters (I suspect we all know who they are) have particular points of view that they project ad nauseum...

Ah, the irony! Have you totted up the number of times you've projected your too many non investment posts point of view? :lol:

Dod101 wrote:I have not tried to but I suspect that if we did a count, there will be more non investment posts than posts even vaguely relating to investment topics most days.

Top two posters:

Lootman 17236 posts
Dod101 15434 posts

Yeah, do a count. :D

That is a surprising number of posts from me. I have not checked and am unlikely to, but I doubt that I am posting at least as much on non investing topics as investment ones. Bulldog’s suggestion is a good one so I may add a few names to my ignore list.


Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 7:50 pm
by jaizan
Dod101 wrote:So my suggestion is to open a new site TLF Two or some such so that those who want to ramble on about non investment topics can have a dedicated site and leave those with an interest in investing to have a site dedicated to that.

1 There are threads for investment topics and those for non-investment topics. It's remarkably easy to ignore the threads you don't want to read. Threads remain mainly on topic. I couldn't ask for more.

2 When you set up your dedicated site, do post the link here.

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 8:07 pm
by Dicky99
BullDog wrote:
There's a small number of posters here who simply must have the final word on every topic in every thread. Life's a lot more pleasant not engaging even if one chooses to read such posts. I usually ignore them anyway.

If you change posters to punters you could be describing the problem I'm having with my local pub :cry:

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 8:27 pm
by mc2fool
Dod101 wrote:I have not checked and am unlikely to, but I doubt that I am posting at least as much on non investing topics as investment ones. Bulldog’s suggestion is a good one so I may add a few names to my ignore list.

Why don't you simply just subscribe to the investment forums (boards), at least just the ones you are interested in, and then go by your subscription list?

Go to a forum (board) you are interested in, e.g. this one, and scroll all the way to the bottom. At the left of the blue line across the bottom you will see Home and Subscribe forum. Click on the latter.

Repeat for other boards you are interested in. Now you can go to ucp.php?i=ucp_main&mode=subscribed -- set a bookmark so you can easily and quickly return to it -- and you will see just the boards you are interested in. Then you can live in blissful ignorance of all the non-investment topics others are posting about.

Re: Opinions and High Horses

Posted: July 2nd, 2023, 9:33 pm
by CliffEdge
That would be an ecumenical matter.