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New PC and Kindle - thoughts?

Posted: December 14th, 2016, 4:35 pm
by zico
I'm planning on spending about £400 on a new PC from PC World and a new Kindle (probably about £80).
Any views on good deals for these, or whether it's worth signing up to a cash-back deal, such as Quidco, before I buy?

Re: New PC and Kindle - thoughts?

Posted: December 14th, 2016, 5:34 pm
by redsturgeon
zico wrote:I'm planning on spending about £400 on a new PC from PC World and a new Kindle (probably about £80).
Any views on good deals for these, or whether it's worth signing up to a cash-back deal, such as Quidco, before I buy?

On TMF there used to be a few very knowledgeable souls regarding specs for PCs and you need to define exactly what you need from your PC before deciding what to get really. I'd suggest X posting the the computer board.


Re: New PC and Kindle - thoughts?

Posted: December 14th, 2016, 5:50 pm
by Devjon
Before you commit to PC World it might be worth popping in to Staples if you have a branch nearby. They had some very good bargains when I popped in today to get a few things.

I avoid PC World like the plague, I have experienced their shyster practices on more than one occasion in the past, and reading various on line customer forums it would seem that little has changed.

Re: New PC and Kindle - thoughts?

Posted: December 14th, 2016, 7:23 pm
by Redmires
I've bought a few computers (for myself, family & friends etc) from the "Dell Outlet". You can often find good deals on there. No connection - just a happy customer.

Re: New PC and Kindle - thoughts?

Posted: December 16th, 2016, 5:51 pm
by PrincessB
I'm planning on spending about £400 on a new PC from PC World and a new Kindle (probably about £80).

Hi Zico,

The lowest specification I can recommend would include:

An Intel i3 processor - These are great little chips and I cannot praise them highly enough.
8GB of memory - I'm assuming you are planning on buying a desktop?
Most machines at this level ship with a one terrabyte hard drive which should be plenty.
Windows 10.

You may already have a display, however I've found places like PC World to be the wrong place to buy these items, something like the online BT shop (Formerly Dabs) will have a far greater range. Prices have gone up considerably since Brexit, even so a 24" unit can be found for a little over £100, if you use the BT shop (even for research) they will tell you whether the displays have speakers.

I can't really comment on where to buy the main PC as I build my stuff from components, one of the reasons I know what you'd want in it, but not where to get one ready made.



Re: New PC and Kindle - thoughts?

Posted: December 17th, 2016, 5:37 pm
by vrdiver
I've bought several PCs from PCSpecialist in the past - very happy with them (no connection except as a customer).

They have standard builds, or you can specify your own. They also have a forum where you can list the build components and state your intended usage to get some feedback, all before hitting the "buy" button.

Re the Kindle - I still have my kindle touch (before the paper white screens were introduced) and love it, especially when travelling. I'm tempted to upgrade it to a newer version, but since it works perfectly and I can read it just fine, haven't been able to justify the cost :roll: