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Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: July 24th, 2018, 10:31 am
by DiamondEcho
Augustiner Brau Lagerbier Hell
[Note: this is not the well known Augustiner mega-brewery, but a Bavarian namesake].

I lived in Berlin for 3 years, got to drink legions of different local beers, and the above was my favourite. It happens to be a helles-brau. At times it could be tricky to find in Berlin, but visiting Munich and Nurenberg I was pleasantly surprised it is 'everywhere'; one of the say top-5 popular local beers.
There is 'something' about this^ beer, I can't quite put my finger on it, something that to me was so perfect in the flavour and mouth-feel balance. It would make an ideal session-beer, easy drinking, and refreshing in summer; whilst having it's own good and distinct personality.

If anyone ever finds it available in the UK I'm ALL ears :D

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: July 24th, 2018, 11:30 am
by BrummieDave
DiamondEcho wrote:
If anyone ever finds it available in the UK I'm ALL ears :D ... -50cl-5-2/

£2.90 for a half litre.

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: July 24th, 2018, 1:03 pm
by stewamax
AleisterCrowley wrote:It's more noticeable than in Oakham Citra, for example.
And if Sauvignon Blanc smells cat pissy, surely Nelson Sauvin hops would be the culprit :) ?!

Good Sauv Blanc does indeed reek of urine du chat - as does ones own a little later.
But I have never noticed that with Oakham Ales Citra or Green Devil; perhaps i have consumed too much of them and have become desensitised. In fact I have a Citra calling to me now from the fridge and I will have to see what it wants...

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: July 24th, 2018, 1:10 pm
by BrummieDave
I always think that heavily citra hopped beers smell like sweaty arm pits, in a good way of course! :lol:

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: July 27th, 2018, 8:26 pm
by Devjon
I visited Berlin last year for the first time, my daughter was working as a teacher and I combined a visit with the Berlin Half Marathon which we ran together.

Returning to Berlin later in the year I would visit the local EDEKA supermarket which is a bit Lidl / Aldi - ish. I was very impressed with the range of beers on display so I'd pop in every day for a few things and select a random beer which went in the fridge to be consumed the following evening.

I never experienced a duff one, one day I decided to try the cheapest they sold, I can't remember the name but it cost all of 39 eurocents for a 500ml bottle @ 5%. It was really rather good and certainly head and shoulders above many I've purchased from Supermarkets back here in the UK.

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: August 2nd, 2018, 9:48 am
by BrummieDave
I've been trying a number of "Wild Beer's" brews recently and enjoyed a number of them from the ridiculously strong 'Yadokai' to the beautifully balanced 'Fresh' pale ale. Overall, I have concluded that many of the beers seem to smack of experimentation for the sake of it, hence them being a series of hits and misses for me. That said, my 'misses' may be other drinkers' 'hits' and vice versa, so perhaps the company's approach works.

Anyway, that was but a rambling intro to what I intended to post which is this:

With the hot weather returning this weekend to the UK, anyone planning a barbecue or similar gathering may wish to try Wild Beer 'Ninkasi' available at Waitrose as well as other decent supermarkets.

The website description is worth the read because at ft first glance, it looks strong at 9% until you realise it's more of a beer based cava/prosecco/champagne aperitif alternative, serve chilled, in flutes. Then, you realise it's weaker than the alternatives, and at around £7 cheaper too.

It's a heavily hopped Belgian style saison, with Somerset apple juice and the wild yeast that gives the brewery its name, given a secondary fermentation in the bottle with the addition of champagne yeast. Hence it being an interesting aperitif for guests, and a good talking point with on a summer's afternoon/evening.

So as I said, it could well be a 'miss' with you, but it was a 'hit' for me and friends a couple of weekends ago. :D

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: August 7th, 2018, 9:53 pm
by DiamondEcho
Speaking of 'Wild Beers'.
Having moved back to London from the beer-drought of the Middle-East I have been on a shopping frenzy in the nearby [sub 100M!] Waitrose. A variety 4-pack of St. Peter's, ditto Badger, and a 4-pack from the Wild Beer Co. Haven't tried any of them yet, there's just not room in the fridge. Bought stacks of 'singles' too which are in the fridge, to the extent that MrsDE suggested I might get a beer fridge - no problem dear!
The offering of beer, and pretty much everything in groceries, and the quality and value here is quite amazing, [via the prism of having been away 10 years]. I stand in front of the array of bacon and sausages bewitched :-D [mega taboo for years, of course].
Each time I go to the supermarket I have to stop myself just buying stuff to hoard, that all sounds so nice. A big difference here is that fresh goods have SUCH a short shelf-life, often just a few days. I've no problem with that just you have to shop for the present, than more for the longer term larder.

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: August 9th, 2018, 2:01 pm
by BrummieDave
Yes DE, I would imagine having a Waitrose around the corner when you've been away from such things must be quite an exciting proposition, for lots of good reasons other than beers.

Mrs BD visits our local one regularly to make use of the 90 mins free parking, as well as to shop there. Fortunately for her, they sell her two favourite beers, Wild Beer Pogo and Beavertown Neck Oil, and she has one most nights as she cooks dinner. They also sell the other two Beavertown staples, Gamma Ray and Lupoloid, two of my regular faves, plus a few other Wild Beers as you have already discovered.

I would also point you towards Four Pure's Shapeshifter, a very American style PA which I really like especially when served extra cold, and Lagunita's 12th of Never PA too.

I steer clear of some of the 'lookalike' craft beers they also sell, many from the majors joining in the momentum, noting that Lagunitas and even more recently, Beavertown with their investment from Heineken, are becoming part of the establishment whilst trying hard to protect their initial more independent identities. It is of course due to these various newer breweries having relatively recently creating tie ups with the mainstream industry and its distribution networks that has made them more available via outlets such as Waitrose.

I also buy some established brewers' bottled beers they also sell, particularly their excellent choice of Belgian and German brews. They also sell Innis and Gunn, a subject of a previous 'Where can I buy' thread on here.

All in all, you'll have a wonderful time trying the various beers they have on offer, as they do a very enjoyable selection IMHO.

PS: as we're talking Waitrose and zeitgeist beers, other 'of the moment' items to look out for are their yummy Pastel de Nata Portuguese Custard Tarts, and their Sourdough breads. Happy shopping.

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: August 12th, 2018, 9:03 pm
by DiamondEcho
@BrummieDave - re: WildBeer Co. I bought a 4-pack of that too, from Waitrose. Don't rate it much myself, seems like they're trying to be too clever and failing on the basic foundations. That's my impression 3/4 way through the 4-pack.

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: August 12th, 2018, 9:08 pm
by DiamondEcho
Brummie you're on a roll here, the Innis + Gunn beers, and the 'Pastel de natta' tarts, which are very very close to Singapore/Malaysian 'egg tarts'

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: August 13th, 2018, 11:28 am
by BrummieDave
DiamondEcho wrote:@BrummieDave - re: WildBeer Co. I bought a 4-pack of that too, from Waitrose. Don't rate it much myself, seems like they're trying to be too clever and failing on the basic foundations. That's my impression 3/4 way through the 4-pack.

Yes, agree about Wild Beer overall, and said similar myself earlier in this thread
BrummieDave wrote:Overall, I have concluded that many of the beers seem to smack of experimentation for the sake of it, hence them being a series of hits and misses for me. That said, my 'misses' may be other drinkers' 'hits' and vice versa, so perhaps the company's approach works.

Well done to Waitrose, and Booths for anyone 'Up North', for such a good selection. I see Marks and Spencer are now stocking 'Northern Monk' too, and they do make some lovely beers.

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: August 13th, 2018, 1:36 pm
by Weath
BrummieDave wrote: Well done to Waitrose, and Booths for anyone 'Up North', for such a good selection. I see Marks and Spencer are now stocking 'Northern Monk' too, and they do make some lovely beers.

The only 'Northern Monks' that anyone need to concern themselves with is Tynt Meadow brewed by the Brothers at Mount St Bernard Abbey in Leicestershire and one of only 12 officially recognised Trappist breweries in the world.

The brewery is pretty much on my doorstep and I loaded up the car with a crate on its first day of release last month. Beautiful, dark, full bodied ale with a malty/toffeeish flavour with a that just oozes quality and has gone down a treat . Nicely designed bottled and glass as well.

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: August 13th, 2018, 1:58 pm
by BrummieDave
Very clever Weath, but can we really suggest that Leicestershire is 'up North'? There's probably quite a lot of people who would consider Leeds, Northern Monk's base, as being South! :D

From the description of Tynt Meadow you may well be interested in Northern Monk's Northern Star mocha porter from their core range, or one of several STRANNIK Russian Imperial Stouts, which are released fairly regularly as limited runs.

In a similar vein, and reflecting the growing acceptance of some of the newer breweries within the beer drinking establishment, CAMRA's top award for 2018, the Champion Beer of Britain was announced earlier this month and given to Siren Brewery from Wokingham, for its Broken Dream Breakfast Stout, "a stout with a deep and complex blend of chocolate, coffee and a touch of smoke", another one you may enjoy Weath.

A full list of the winners is shown here: ... _count%3D1

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: August 13th, 2018, 4:24 pm
by Weath
BrummieDave wrote:Very clever Weath, but can we really suggest that Leicestershire is 'up North'? There's probably quite a lot of people who would consider Leeds, Northern Monk's base, as being South! :D

I quite agree but these boards are slightly southern-centric :)

BrummieDave wrote:From the description of Tynt Meadow you may well be interested in Northern Monk's Northern Star mocha porter from their core range

Oddly enough that appears to be the only Northern Monk offering that I have had (cask at Annies Burger Shack Nottingham on Apr 23 2016 to be precise). It appears I rated it a 3.5 on Untappd, which basically means it was well drinkable and in good form and would likely to be consumed in further quantity if there's nothing much else of interest on the bar. Would defo have it again if I see it on my travels

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: August 14th, 2018, 9:23 pm
by DiamondEcho
Alas they've just closed our local M+S in London*, but then we have a nearby recently opened Waitrose that it had little chance of competing against. It must have over 100 lines of beer, so plenty to keep me occupied :)

*I'd a very nice M+S Chocolate Porter last night, totally off-piste style wise for me, but 2 thumbs up and I'll be seeking it out next time I'm in another M+S food hall.

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: August 17th, 2018, 10:37 am
by stewamax
The only 'Northern Monks' that anyone need to concern themselves with is Tynt Meadow brewed by the Brothers at Mount St Bernard Abbey in Leicestershire

Ahhhh.... and again ahhhh .... I have been several times to hear Vespers there late on Sunday afternoon after a day out in Charnwood Forest and never knew they were brewers - which is now writ large on their website.

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: August 29th, 2018, 4:16 pm
by Skotch
Had a couple of bottle of Tynt Meadow the other day - really nice ale - 7.5% and as Weath has written, nice, dark and full bodied - I also thought that on first sip, there was a strange, 'blue cheese' flavour to it, which, given I was drinking it alongside some turkish kofte's was very pleasant. They also have special Mount St Bernards glasses to go with the beer on sale in my local Offie (The Offie on Clarendon Park Road, if anyone local is interested) at £4.99 a glass. Recommended

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: September 4th, 2018, 10:57 pm
by AleisterCrowley
Just as well they didn't call it 'Tynt Beer'
'yes 'tis..'etc etc

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: September 5th, 2018, 8:56 am
by UncleIan
Had a nice pint of Darkstar's Hophead the other day, guest beer in a Fullers pub, turns out Fullers own Darkstar now. Oh well, so much for a "guest". Anyway, not complaining, kept well, tasted good.

Re: The Beer You Are Drinking Right Now

Posted: September 10th, 2018, 4:45 pm
by GrandOiseau
He and his message not necessarily welcome round here but a review of non-alcoholic lagers.

Might give that Sainsburys Czeck lager a whirl. As I've mentioned here the Franziskaner wheat is good.

And on Saturday I saw that Wetherspoons were selling non-alcholic Adnams Ghost Ship and reading up they are using some high-tech equipment that retains it's original flavours and aromas. Will give it a go when I can.

Raised an interesting question. If they could largely remove all the alcohol from beer whilst largely retaining all the aroma, flavour - would you make the switch?

And does that mean I can drink it in the office!!