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Re: Moderation again

Posted: August 9th, 2018, 3:22 am
by PinkDalek
melonfool wrote:I don't really understand what you mean about using the drop down but everyone uses the board differently and I rarely use that.

Morning all!

If one enters a thread using Notifications above right, those Notifications only name the posters and the Topic title. It's therefore conceivable that one doesn't know which board one is, if you click on a link there. Especially when you end up some way but not too far down a Topic's page. The Topic title and the posters concerned might give a clue as to which board but it is possible to use the "Top" arrow to check.

That having been said, when one composes a reply, the board name is clearly visible about the Topic title.

I think the same applies to "Best Posts" under "Quick Links" but the others, such as "Unread posts", show the board title, for me at least, as relevant.

The above refer to when I'm using my PC. The same may well not apply to smart phones and other devices.

Edit: I've only now seen the post to which you were replying. That talks about the "New posts" drop down but surely that gives enough of a clue as to which one board one is on, so I also don't understand the point being made.