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Tortilla Wraps aka Poppadums

Posted: September 11th, 2020, 5:44 pm
by feder1
We followed an internet recipe to make some soft totilla wraps for our spicy prawn fryup but they left the frying pan like crispy poppadums.

The recipe said they would be soft but not so. The recipe was similar to Indian rotis but the wraps were rolled much thinner.

Any ideas about soft tortilla wraps please?

Re: Tortilla Wraps aka Poppadums

Posted: September 11th, 2020, 7:38 pm
by Urbandreamer
No idea about the recipe that you followed, and I have never made them myself.

However they are effectively one of many types of flat bread cooked on a flat plate.

Ie if we were thinking UK, oatcakes.

The youtube video I watched called for SCREAMING hot plate (pan). But cook for about 30 seconds. Less if you are actually believing the time (30 Seconds is not a short time).

If you watch from about 3:35 you might get some idea of what he thought 30 Seconds was (more like 3 per side). That might be your problem. In my experience people seldom know the true passage of time.

I have made Nan's in a similar fashion, though they are traditionally baked against the side of an oven. They are thicker so need a slower cooking at lower temperatures if using a pan, as heat has to cook the middle. Still FAR less than 30 Seconds each.

PS, I hope that you didn't oil the pan.

Re: Tortilla Wraps aka Poppadums

Posted: September 15th, 2020, 9:51 pm
by voelkels
FWIW, it has been 30-some years since I have last made flour tortillas, me, since I can buy 5 or 4 different brands locally made ones in our local supermarkets. That being said, the “trick” to cooking them is a very hot skillet or a grill over an open fire (charcoal or mesquite wood preferred) for a very short period. The local brand that I use (from Texas) weighs 33-34 grams each and is 6.25-inches in diameter. They have 5 or 6 medium brown (not black, no) spots on each side, indicating that they haven’t been overcooked (burned). I usually warm them in the microwave oven in a Tera cotta tortilla warmer, the lid of which has been moistened, for about 10-seconds per tortilla plus 10 seconds. Hope that helps some.

C.J.V. - or you could hire a Mexican lass to pat them out and cook them for you, yes