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Re: Scotland prepares....

Posted: May 25th, 2018, 4:17 pm
by Rhyd6
One of the greatest joys of retirement is being able to ignore bank holidays. We stay at home with enough food and drinks to feed the British Army should they care to pay us a visit. Our friends, especially those who have dogs usually ensure that they walk their dogs through the woods and then carry on up to pay us a visit, usually when the sun is over the yardarm. It's a hard life but someone has to do it. I expect we'll have more visitors than usual because progress on the pub side is exceedingly slow. Oh dear, so sad, never mind ;)


Re: Scotland prepares....

Posted: May 25th, 2018, 5:49 pm
by Rhyd6
Oops, so wrapped up in the thought of a lovely weekend I forget to say good luck to your wife and I do hope she has a successful run. Cheer her on from me and my family of runners :)


Re: Scotland prepares....

Posted: May 25th, 2018, 7:58 pm
by AleisterCrowley
Yes,good luck to Mrs S - met her briefly in the Bree Louise in Euston IIRC?
A pub soon to be rubble, if it hasn't gone already
My boss did the London marathon this year- madness! He seemed to enjoy it . I hate running, makes my shins and knees ache.

Re: Scotland prepares....

Posted: May 25th, 2018, 8:24 pm
by AleisterCrowley
We're off to the Clachan 8 June! I know it's a bit of a trek for you :-)
Incidentally, did we do one or more TMF socials there before the boards closed? It's a bit of a blur

Re: Scotland prepares....

Posted: May 25th, 2018, 8:30 pm
by PinkDalek
AleisterCrowley wrote:Incidentally, did we do one or more TMF socials there before the boards closed? It's a bit of a blur

Yes but I can't recall how many. 'Twas still TMF when Mrs Snorveykins graced us with her presence. After that Snorvey wrote about finding himself asleep inside a skip or something similar and wrote, with some amusement, how he ran the marathon.

Re: Scotland prepares....

Posted: May 25th, 2018, 8:39 pm
by AleisterCrowley
Ah, that rings a bell. Can't go back to the old boards to check of course (other than archived versions?)
I think the Clachan was suggested by TMFGrow way back in the good old days, before the TMF socials settled at the Grafton Arms

Re: Scotland prepares....

Posted: May 25th, 2018, 8:46 pm
by PinkDalek
AleisterCrowley wrote:Ah, that rings a bell. Can't go back to the old boards to check of course (other than archived versions?)
I think the Clachan was suggested by TMFGrow way back in the good old days, before the TMF socials settled at the Grafton Arms

Someone I know might have some emails which may or may not confirm various dates. Might put them on the Social board if of any interest.

Re: Scotland prepares....

Posted: May 25th, 2018, 8:49 pm
by AleisterCrowley
..and yes, 'the TMF..' is a tautology, or tautoligical, but anything else looks strange.
I have no problem with 'LCD display' or 'PIN number'..

Re: Scotland prepares....

Posted: May 25th, 2018, 8:50 pm
by AleisterCrowley
PinkDalek wrote:
AleisterCrowley wrote:Ah, that rings a bell. Can't go back to the old boards to check of course (other than archived versions?)
I think the Clachan was suggested by TMFGrow way back in the good old days, before the TMF socials settled at the Grafton Arms

Someone I know might have some emails which may or may not confirm various dates. Might put them on the Social board if of any interest.

We should write a short history of TMF/TLF Socials

Re: Scotland prepares....

Posted: May 25th, 2018, 8:55 pm
by PinkDalek
Will it cover the knees, Speedy's appearance (which I'm very sorry to say I missed), La Kane's new mobile and, of course, GRow's beard?

Re: Scotland prepares....

Posted: May 25th, 2018, 9:01 pm
by AleisterCrowley
I don't recall the knees. My knees haven't seen sunlight since 1976

Re: Scotland prepares....

Posted: May 25th, 2018, 9:04 pm
by AleisterCrowley
Did GingerBabe ever turn up?