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Posted: August 18th, 2019, 12:03 pm
by Rhyd6
Is anyone able to recommend a hand held vacuum cleaner? There are so many out there I don't know where to begin. Was going to post on DAK but thought the Snug would be OK because us women talk about such things at the pub. ;)


Re: Recommendation

Posted: August 18th, 2019, 12:37 pm
by bionichamster
Several of my relatives have purchased rechargeable dysons the last couple of years, they all rave about them being as good as the corded full-size vacuums. They aren't really small but I think they could be considered 'handheld'

However as a caveat, I've noticed most people who buy expensive vacuums rave about them, wether it appears warranted or not, and there may be an element of self-convincing confirmation bias creeping in. Nevertheless possible worth a look if your budget stretches.


Re: Recommendation

Posted: August 18th, 2019, 12:50 pm
by bungeejumper
Do you mean a rechargeable cordless "stick" cleaner with the full rotating head thingummy, or a short one for upholstery and cleaning the car?

We have a Dyson V6, which does both, but TBH the performance-to-price ratio doesn't really cut it. Not when you're spending between £300 and £600 for the privilege. Battery life can be as short as 20 minutes, and although it can do the grotty skirting board edges of a carpet OK, it's bewildered by cobwebs - it just doesn't have the oomph to overpower them, but tries instead to suck at their edges and never quite finishes the job.

They tell me that Dyson's handhelds have got better recently, but I wouldn't ever expect them to do the job of an old-fashioned upright, as Dyson claims in his TV ads. Not that I'd ever be inclined to buy anything from the old Brexiteer tax-dodger again. But that's off-topic, I suppose? :|


Re: Recommendation

Posted: August 18th, 2019, 3:20 pm
by Rhyd6
Sorry not a stick cleaner just the small rechargeble one, think light dusting rather than full clean.


Re: Recommendation

Posted: August 18th, 2019, 7:37 pm
by richlist
I bought a GTech handheld/rechargeable vac about a year ago and would definitely recommend it.

It comes with a short brush, a long tube with a brush on the end and a crevice tool. I decided not to buy the optional car accessories as I didn't think I needed them......and I was right. The basic vac does the home and car perfectly. Full charge 20 mins or so is perfectly adequate. Cost about £160

I hate Dysons......all of them......overpriced, overrated and over the top in my opinion.

Re: Recommendation

Posted: August 19th, 2019, 8:12 am
by bungeejumper
richlist wrote:I bought a GTech handheld/rechargeable vac about a year ago and would definitely recommend it.

It comes with a short brush, a long tube with a brush on the end and a crevice tool. I decided not to buy the optional car accessories as I didn't think I needed them......and I was right. The basic vac does the home and car perfectly. Full charge 20 mins or so is perfectly adequate. Cost about £160

Can't speak for the vacuum, but we are firm fans of GTech in this house. A hedge trimmer and a strimmer are both very well designed and get an awful lot of function out of their batteries. And they're also nicely balanced and ergonomically good. These boys are on top of their game. Definitely worth a look, anyway.

GTech don't compromise on price, so it's rare to get a discount. but it does happen sometimes. Try Argos.


Re: Recommendation

Posted: August 19th, 2019, 11:28 am
by Rhyd6
Thanks for the recommendations, I shall definitely look at Gtech, funnily enough I was chatting to a friend last night and she's just bought one and thinks it's the bees knees.


Re: Recommendation

Posted: August 19th, 2019, 12:29 pm
by Leothebear
Yep the Gtech's the one for us too. Both hand held and the full size are good and compared to the Dysons good value.
I've found Dyson's in the past to way overpriced and not quite as brilliantly designed as Mr Dyson would like us to think.