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Huge Moon coming your way.

Posted: November 12th, 2016, 2:26 am
by nimnarb
This Monday we will see the biggest Moon since 1948 as it will be the nearest to our planet since that date resulting in it being 14% larger and 13% brighter than normal. Intelligent aren't I? :lol:

Re: Huge Moon coming your way.

Posted: November 12th, 2016, 9:37 am
by kiloran
nimnarb wrote:This Monday we will see the biggest Moon since 1948 as it will be the nearest to our planet since that date resulting in it being 14% larger and 13% brighter than normal. Intelligent aren't I? :lol:

[pedant]I have it on good authority that it only appears bigger and brighter. I seriously doubt that it actually increases in size[/pedant] ;)


Re: Huge Moon coming your way.

Posted: November 12th, 2016, 10:32 am
by Mansredfire
I think there's also the Leonid meteor shower to come too - peaks on Thursday apparently.

Eye's to the skies everyone!


Re: Huge Moon coming your way.

Posted: November 14th, 2016, 5:51 pm
by brightncheerful
I read that an American scientist thinks it's all rather overdone, suggesting that compared to a 15" pizza a 16" inch pizza wouldn't be considered a super-pizza.

The best time to see the big Moon was 11.27 (am) or so today, which is why this evening is apparently a better time to gaze. Presumably to deter workers from spending most of the morning mooning.

Re: Huge Moon coming your way.

Posted: November 14th, 2016, 9:17 pm
by Rob625
The Times tells me it's likely to be behind the clouds for those in Britain. Tonight I was inspired to get out my camera and tripod, and also sign up to imgur. So here you are: