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Posted: January 9th, 2019, 1:53 pm
by monabri
Following up from a general question on share shorting that was posted on the HYP Practical board.

Information on 'shorting' can be seen using the short tracker site which in turn derives its information from the FCA website.

However, these sites do not track/ report all the shorts on a share, they are limited to short positions of 0.5% and above.

Are there any sources which list all/full levels of shorting?

Re: Shorting

Posted: January 9th, 2019, 5:36 pm
by Breelander

"I'm selling all my analogies at auction tomorrow, and that witch over there will give you 20 beans if you promise on pain of death to win them for her." "What if SEVERAL people promised witches they'd win, creating some kind of a ... squeeze? Gosh, you could make a lot of–" "Don't be silly! That probably never happens."

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