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Mac latest OS Catalina

Posted: October 14th, 2019, 9:42 am
by redsturgeon
I've been Mac for about 6 years and apart from the odd difficulty it has been great. My 2013 Macbook Pro has performed faultlessly all that time and with a new battery (fitted by me) it still works well.

Each year or so I have upgraded to the latest operating system with no trouble, it's free and takes less than a hour so what's not to like.

This latest upgrade to Catalina though is one to be a bit careful with. I am not a geek so do not understand fully but it is a more fundamental upgrade than usual and can cause problem with apps that are not compatible.

For instance all my MS Office stuff no longer worked.



Re: Mac latest OS Catalina

Posted: October 14th, 2019, 10:50 am
by Infrasonic

Re: Mac latest OS Catalina

Posted: October 14th, 2019, 10:53 am
by kyu66
Just to add to John's post.

I am currently running Mojave, the last version which supports 32-bit applications (and nags you when you run them). FWIW I will not be upgrading to Catalina even though my current hardware supports it.

Catalina has no provision to run 32-bit applications, which is fine in-so-far that in this day and age nearly all applications are 64-bit, but there are a few gotchas as John found out.

Unfortunately some venders, I am looking at you Adobe, rely on 32-bit applications to install/uninstall some 64-bit programs, e.g. Lightroom 6 (stand-alone version.)

So if you are using such programs, be very careful and do some research before upgrading. From what I have read an in-situ upgrade may allow Lightroom 6 to run, but not later uninstalled and then re-installed. This may be the same for other such applications, but who knows.

Re: Mac latest OS Catalina

Posted: December 28th, 2019, 2:09 pm
by Rover110
I see that Codeweavers are making good progress on making their Crossover, a paid-for version of Wine, work under Catalina.

So a possible way for me to run Photoshop on my Mac without paying every year might be to buy an old Windows version of Photoshop and run it on CodeWeavers Crossover (again paid-for).

- Rover