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Spielberg moment

Posted: June 21st, 2018, 9:13 pm
by bungeejumper
You remember the monstrous killer truck in Spielberg's Duel? Had a small taste of that last week on the M23 near Gatwick.

I was in the third lane, overtaking a lorry that had pulled out in front of me, and suddenly in the rear view mirror, up came a BMW 5 or 7 series of some sort, scruffy, no bumpers, numberplate wedged on the dash, and doing (I'd say) well over 100 mph. And he obviously thought I shouldn't be on "his" road. Tailgated me ridiculously closely (and I was doing an indicated 80). Well all right, I'm a big boy and that sort of thing doesn't normally spoil my day.

So I finished my overtake and moved over. And as he passed me, he veered at full speed into my lane, as if to deliberately side-swipe me. I took evasive action. Then he carved me up, swinging right across my bonnet, and braked hard. Jeezus! I admit that I gave him the full horn and headlights, which might not have been a very sensible thing to do. (Is Kenneth Noye out of prison yet? :? )

No matter. Fortunately he floored it, and he was gone in a cloud of black smoke. At which point I noticed that he had no rear numberplate at all. Which got me thinking. Even if I'd had a dashcam, I don't suppose the plod could have done anything with it, could they?

Anyway, the wife stopped screaming after a few seconds, and we resumed our journey. Won't forget that one. :(


Re: Spielberg moment

Posted: June 21st, 2018, 9:20 pm
by PinkDalek
Sounds frightening however big a boy you are.

Wasn’t it possible for your wife to phone 999 and report an attempted “whatever” is needed to permit such a call? Surely someone can see this dangerous and aggressive driving on one of those live CCTV thingummies. With or without visible number plates.

They enjoy a safe chase, if those cop progs are anything to go by.

Re: Spielberg moment

Posted: June 21st, 2018, 9:44 pm
by tjh290633
If it was on the M23 it was almost certainly on CCTV, so they might be able to trace it.

Re: Spielberg moment

Posted: June 21st, 2018, 9:46 pm
by richlist
Funny that it nearly always involves a BMW when someone is driving dangerously.