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More MoT excuses

Posted: August 23rd, 2019, 8:18 am
by MonsterMork
Telling me before a test about a fail item does not mean that I can pass the car because you told me about it! :?

No, I am not going to give you a pass on the retest even though you say you will fix the issues next week. :!:

Having your seatbelts stuffed is still a fail, even though you "don't carry passengers" :lol:

The bulge on the sidewall of your tyre is still a fail, even though it is only on the inside and can't be seen when you walk past the car :o

No, carrying a block of wood is not an acceptable substitute for a broken handbrake cable :roll:

No, you can't leave your dog in the car while I do the test and you go shopping. :(

Yes, using your A4 sized tablet as a sat-nav is acceptable. No, you can't fix it in the middle of the windscreen in front of the steering wheel and get a pass on your test. :cry:

No, I can't pass your smashed windscreen, even though "it only happened on the way to the test". :roll:

Yes, the sound system in your twenty year old rot-box Corsa is very expensive. No, I don't want to listen to your crappy music at 140 decibels, especially when that is how you drown out the noise from your worn out brakes. :roll:

No, the wiring for your sound system is not acceptably installed when the bare wire ends wrapped around the battery terminals are emitting smoke. :shock:

No, the £40 test fee does not include a full service and all the repairs needed to get a pass. :x

Yes, every customer is a complete shagwit who needs to be removed from the gene pool :evil:


Re: More MoT excuses

Posted: August 23rd, 2019, 10:30 am
by Gaggsy
Brilliant. Nice to see you enjoying your work!

Re: More MoT excuses

Posted: August 23rd, 2019, 11:02 am
by Howyoudoin
I have zero interest in cars but that made me smile, thanks.
