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How to Use Twitter (or similar) to see pictures of Birds and Animals

Posted: March 9th, 2023, 12:50 pm
by AsleepInYorkshire
I’m fairly new to Twitter and a couple of weeks ago discovered something which I find useful about the website. I thought it would be helpful to share this with you, especially for those who, like me haven’t used Twitter before or got to grips with all of its features.

There are a huge number of photographers both professional and amateur who put pictures on Twitter of birds and other animals. Some are absolutely stunning. Most are just a joy to see.

Twitter allows its user to create lists. I won’t bore you with how to do it as help is scattered on the internet and there’s plenty of YouTube video’s too.

If you like looking at pictures of nature I’d seriously recommend you try Twitter and use the list feature if you follow different subjects. I can’t speak for other social media sites but I’m guessing this sort of feature is standard issue.



