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remember this old chestnut?

Posted: April 7th, 2018, 9:21 pm
by JMN2
Bouquet of Barberd Wire, with the excellent late Frank Finlay. Some dodgy things going on between dad and daughter, above my pay grade, didn't have a clue..heard some whispers...

Re: remember this old chestnut?

Posted: April 7th, 2018, 10:02 pm
by AleisterCrowley
Oooooh Susan Penhaligon oooh

Re: remember this old chestnut?

Posted: April 13th, 2018, 1:00 am
by Clitheroekid
I remember this being on TV, and that there was some controversy at the time, but I never watched it and I'd entirely forgotten about its existence.

Out of curiosity I thought I'd watch a bit of it - and I was hooked! I ended up watching both this episode and the next one, and really enjoyed them. I'm looking forward to watching the whole series if I can find the time.

Frank Finlay was quite a mesmerising character, and the acting generally was superb. It reminded me of the old `Play for Today' series, which is high praise indeed.

The very obvious sexual attraction between Finlay and his (admittedly gorgeous) daughter was also brilliantly captured, and I'm sure it would be just as controversial today - in fact in the present climate it would probably never have been made.

It's also interesting that the scene when Susan Penhaligon gets hit by her boyfriend would probably have caused far less controversy in 1976 than it would these days - giving `the wife' the odd slap was, shockingly in retrospect, considered relatively normal back then.

So thank you for bringing it to my attention - and for giving me yet another excuse to waste time that should be spent productively! ;)

Re: remember this old chestnut?

Posted: April 27th, 2018, 2:00 am
by Clitheroekid
I'm now up to episode 6, and thoroughly enjoying it, but the scene that shocked me most in episode 6 was when Cassie, the mother, went to hospital to see her daughter, Prue, who'd been beaten up by her hubby.

She was in a consulting room, talking to the doctor who'd been treating Prue and was obviously shaken up. So she pulled out a packet of fags, took one out and asked the doctor for a light, which he promptly provided.

I'm not a particularly virulent anti-smoker at all, but it's hard to believe how incongruous and bizarre this seemed - far more shocking than any of the sexual shenanigans going on! ;)