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Posted: December 29th, 2019, 6:33 am
by nimnarb
Just seen this on Amazon prime. Not normally into scary horror films as they are never that scary and rather stupid. This was fairly gripping, good music and it let your imagination run wild. Toni Collette's performance was sensational. But oh, the build up and that ending? Not sure what to make of it. I didn't see this coming(not giving anything away here). Can't quite work out if this will become a cult classic horror movie or just a load of toss. Anyone care to comment who has seen it. Very thought provoking and unsettling as perhaps the ending for me was a let down as it just went too far for my tastes into unrealistic realms. I know that if my better half had seen this, she would have walked away when it got out of hand.(or did it?) Different tastes. Still, got me a bit worked up.