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Society of the Snow. 10/10!

Posted: January 27th, 2024, 5:59 am
by nimnarb
Best film I have seen for a while based on the true story in 1972, Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, which had been chartered to fly a rugby team to Chile, crashed in the heart of the Andes. Only 29 of its 45 passengers survived the accident. Trapped in one of the most hostile and inaccessible environments on the planet, they have to resort to extreme measures to stay alive. A similar film has been done before, but this is from a different angle.

But what really made this more memorable, and I was fortunate to catch this, as normally don't see right through to the ending credits, was by waiting right to the end, and on Netflix, it just went straight into Society of the Snow, "Who we were on the Mountains", showing how this film was made, and considering they started with the whole cast and crew having covid and filming during covid, was quite a feat and to those that see this, will know what I mean and should be seen immediately after viewing the main film. I predicted Coda winning an Oscar a few years back, when most had never heard of it, so I hope that this brings in another, I believe for best international feature film, although I think it's nominated in two more departments as well.

Beautifully and sensitively photographed, most authentic plane crash I have seen with some staggering scenery. In my opinion, albeit perhaps a bit long and that's nitpicking, not to be missed. Oh, I watched this on a 32-inch monitor but should really been seen on a big screen, the bigger the better.