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The Grand Tour

Posted: November 18th, 2016, 7:54 pm
by jockblue
The new Not-Top Gear. You know what you're getting - the three amigos haring around in £1m supercars and having a bit of a laugh whilst doing it. As with New Top Gear, the first one was a bit of a curate's egg - some great bits (the photography particularly) and some unbelievably odd bits which I'm not sure why anyone thought them worthy of broadcast - the "fight" with the audience, and the celebrity bit in particular were strange to say the least.

But a bit like an old t-shirt that had fallen down the back of the wardrobe, it's good to have them back.

Re: The Grand Tour

Posted: November 19th, 2016, 9:20 pm
by Clitheroekid
It's the subject of some discussion on the Cars, Driving etc board - viewforum.php?f=58