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Utterly shocked

Posted: April 9th, 2019, 4:38 pm
by Rhyd6
No not me but some hand wringing woman. Picked our great granddaughter up today (aged 5) and took her to a local cafe whilst we waited for mum to come back from dentist.
GGdaughter. Baxter (dog) had to go to the vets, he was ill and now he's dead.
Me. Sorry about that, you must have been upset.
GGD. Not really he was very ill and it's a blessing really. Anyway I've got a pet lamb called James, I have to feed him with a bottle and he comes when I call.
Me. That's a hard job you've got lambs are very hungry.
GGD. Yes it's very hard but he'll soon be big enough to eat grass and grow big, then he'll go to the abbatoir and be turned into chops and things.
Woman at next table who had obviously been listening "Oh my God how on earth can you teach such a young child such awful things">
GGD. It's not awful, it's the cycle of life, when you're a farmer to get to know these things.
I'm very proud of my great granddaughter.


Re: Utterly shocked

Posted: April 9th, 2019, 4:58 pm
by Dod101
Well I can understand your being very proud of your great granddaughter but surely not because of her just repeating what she has been told? I would not be shocked had I over heard the conversation, just mildly surprised. In time she might turn out to be a vegan :)


Re: Utterly shocked

Posted: April 9th, 2019, 5:41 pm
by Pipsmum
My children are very matter of fact about the cycle of life. Squashed phezzys are nicknamed Harry Flatters. Lambs they feed whilst they're tiny are named Mint Sauce, Chop and Roastie. They don't get squeamish about death, birth and the like.