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I was taught English at school.

Posted: June 15th, 2022, 11:48 pm
by AsleepInYorkshire
Our Team - TDR Capital

Our Team
TDR's team of 51 experienced, multi-cultured professionals, operate as one fully integrated team combining investment, operating and data science expertise.

Fifty-one! A team of fifty-one all working together as a team! A fully integrated team at that. And, wait for it, they use data science expertise.

If I've understood the date correctly in 2015 Warren Buffett included this statement in his annual letter to shareholders. At the time he had 25 staff managing Berkshire Hathaway Headquarters.

"This group efficiently deals with a multitude of SEC and other regulatory requirements, files a 30,400-page Federal income tax return – that’s up 6,000 pages from the prior year! – oversees the filing of 3,530 state tax returns, responds to countless shareholder and media inquiries, gets out the annual report, prepares for the country’s largest annual meeting, coordinates the Board’s activities, fact-checks this letter – and the list goes on and on."

Not one data science expert amongst them. And I understood every word Warren wrote. At the time (2015) the value of the company was approximately $329 billion. TDR are currently looking after £13 billion. Warren Buffet must be outsourcing a huge amount of his overheads :lol:. Alternatively I wonder if he doesn't employ data scientists?

Evolution ... it's not what it used to be
