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Posted: January 22nd, 2023, 5:10 pm
by Tedx
A lot of people have dogs these days. A lot.

Despite that, it's been years, nay decades, since I've seen a mutt running loose in the town. It used to be a fairly common sight - particularly if you were having a kick about in the park with your mates and a slave slavering canine would attempt to join in.

So it's all good. More dogs, but the owners are keeping them on a lead where appropriate and safely enclosed when at home. WHY is there still dogshit in street corners and on nice places to walk? Theres no loose dogs anymore so I can only assume that the owners are standing there waiting for the brute to empty its bowels and then shuffling off leaving the mess for others to clear up.


Re: Dogs

Posted: January 22nd, 2023, 5:26 pm
by AsleepInYorkshire
Tedx wrote:A lot of people have dogs these days. A lot.

Despite that, it's been years, nay decades, since I've seen a mutt running loose in the town. It used to be a fairly common sight - particularly if you were having a kick about in the park with your mates and a slave slavering canine would attempt to join in.

So it's all good. More dogs, but the owners are keeping them on a lead where appropriate and safely enclosed when at home. WHY is there still dogshit in street corners and on nice places to walk? Theres no loose dogs anymore so I can only assume that the owners are standing there waiting for the brute to empty its bowels and then shuffling off leaving the mess for others to clear up.


We have two dogs. A border collie and a labradoodle. We also have my late Mum's Yorkshire Terrier everyday round with them to play. Our two dogs have access to the back garden through a dog door and can carry out their bowel movements to their hearts content. The terrier has to ask.

We sometimes take them to a private dog field which is fully fenced and as we are the only one's in there for the hour they can have their leads off. We clear up anything they discharge and put it in the bins provided. But the number of times we have been and found others not clearing up after their dogs is high. I think the field is 6 acres and it's possible some of the smaller dogs may deposit small packages a long way from view. But some of the elephants that have clearly been in the field don't leave micro turds.

I don't get it. We still go as the dogs get some good exercise and at £8 for an hour for three dogs it's very good value I think.

But yes ... I share your frustration at some dog owners. They are bloody selfish!


Re: Dogs

Posted: January 22nd, 2023, 6:42 pm
by marronier
When you see someone with a dog on a lead , it is debateable as to who is in command but more often than not ,it is the dog. This ,I think , explains your grouse.

Re: Dogs

Posted: January 22nd, 2023, 7:36 pm
by Rhyd6
We have trained our dog to go and do her business in one particular spot in the field next to which we have a bin for her deposits. When covid was rife and people were not allowed to take dogs far we allowed our friends to use the field to walk and excercise their dogs on the understanding that if there was any mess then they wouldn't be welcome. But and isn't there always a but other people decided that as they'd seen people on the field with dogs then all must be welcome, the result was that we had to close off the field as the mess was disgusting. I was harrangued by a number of people. called a miserable bitch and various other names. Some people are just inconsiderate, lazy, foul mouthed people with a sense of entitlement as big as mount Everest.
There are occasions when I much prefer dogs to people.


Re: Dogs

Posted: January 22nd, 2023, 7:39 pm
by Bminusrob
Basically, most dog owners are stupid. In their eyes, their dogs can do no wrong. My wife has a phobia of dogs, habing been badly bitten years ago. Quite recently, a large local dog, off lead, being taken for a walk jumped up at her. When she remonstrated with the owner, the owner's response was "he is much worse on the lead". It's difficult to argue with people that stupid.