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Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 9th, 2017, 9:44 am
by JMN2
Learned this new term today, some white celebrity braided her hair in Jamaica while on holiday. This is bad, apparently.

But there is no problem if a white teenager half-wit is wearing his pants down his knees and wears a stupid baseball cap and waves his arms and says "Yo mo**erf***er!".

Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 9th, 2017, 12:20 pm
by wheypat
First time I heard this it was a person of colour (is that pc?) discussing how it wasn't right for a white person to do their hair in this way. I yelled at the TV "Stop speaking in English, that's a white language. Stop Cultural Appropriation."

Apparently I shouldn't have done this in front of my 7 year old son and his mates . . . . .

Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 9th, 2017, 12:29 pm
by didds
WRT Caribbean and some African people speaking English that may have less to do with cultural appropriation as being forced to speak it decades ago by British people holding guns and/or employing them.




Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 9th, 2017, 1:35 pm
by UncleEbenezer
Is it cultural appropriation if a Jamaican person wears a suit and does a high-status professional job?

There are lots of idiots around. Some of them practice mindless Political Correctness, including racism and sexism. What grates is when some of those get a serious media platform. Was this in mainstream media, or were you engaging in cultural tourism?

Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 9th, 2017, 1:37 pm
by JMN2
UncleEbenezer wrote:Was this in mainstream media, or were you engaging in cultural tourism?

Nick Ferrari at LBC.

Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 9th, 2017, 4:59 pm
by bungeejumper
didds wrote:WRT Caribbean and some African people speaking English that may have less to do with cultural appropriation as being forced to speak it decades ago by British people holding guns and/or employing them.

Somewhere on The Onion, there's a fine spoof of a Trump speech in which "he" accuses the incoming Africans of having been economic migrants, moving in on America's territory with the intention of stealing an education, along with all the benefits of the higher civilisation that they were joining. The scary part is that some part of the Prez's brain might indeed see it that way. :?


Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 10th, 2017, 7:45 pm
by Rhyd6
Seems the LGBT community are annoyed that some firms are printing T shirts with "femme" written on them. Seems this word belongs to the LGBT community and others shouldn't use it, now I know "O" level French was sixty years ago but I could have sworn that Femme was French for wife. Perhaps the nice Mr. Macron could have a word in their shell like.

ps. all the right letters not sure about the right order ;)

Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 11th, 2017, 12:12 pm
by stevensfo
Seems the LGBT community are annoyed that some firms are printing T shirts with "femme" written on them.

Sounds like a joke to me. Almost every perfume in the world will have either 'pour femme' or 'pour homme' on it.

Yes it means woman, but 'ma femme' means 'my wife'.

Look forward to the legal battle over copyright. LGBT community vs The french. :-)


Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 15th, 2017, 4:14 pm
by gryffron
Rhyd6 wrote:Seems the LGBT community are annoyed that some firms are printing T shirts with "femme" written on them. Seems this word belongs to the LGBT community and others shouldn't use it

Well in that case, they can't have "LGB", which is owned by a German model railway company.

Why couldn't they just stick with "gay". At least that made them sound happy about it.


Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 16th, 2017, 12:31 am
by UncleEbenezer
gryffron wrote:
Rhyd6 wrote:Seems the LGBT community are annoyed that some firms are printing T shirts with "femme" written on them. Seems this word belongs to the LGBT community and others shouldn't use it

Well in that case, they can't have "LGB", which is owned by a German model railway company.

Why couldn't they just stick with "gay". At least that made them sound happy about it.


Have you noticed the yoof of recent(ish) times using "gay" to mean bad/stupid?

The Politically Correct (aka BBC) are outraged: "gay" belongs to the homosexual "community" and this usage is homophobia.

Your Uncle Ebenezer rejoices in the PC brigade's outrage. The word won't regain its innocence in the foreseeable future, but that doesn't make it property of any community. I'm fine with the homosexual usage, but anyone claiming exclusivity for it richly deserves all the outrage the yoof can inflict on them.

Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 16th, 2017, 7:38 am
by stevensfo
The Politically Correct (aka BBC) are outraged: "gay" belongs to the homosexual "community" and this usage is homophobia.

I still have a stamp album from my childhood called 'Gay Venture'. Big red letters on a light background of stamps, and I'm very proud of it.

The LGBT people and the BBC are clearly being philatolophobic and I'm saddened, disgusted, incensed, shocked, offended and outraged!

I would say more but the page from my thesaurus is torn out. :-)


Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 16th, 2017, 2:11 pm
by bungeejumper
Rhyd6 wrote:Seems the LGBT community are annoyed that some firms are printing T shirts with "femme" written on them. Seems this word belongs to the LGBT community and others shouldn't use it ;)

LGBT? Tut tut, where have you been for these last three weeks? It's LGBTI now, because we've just added Intersex to the list. Although in practice the I's have presumably been with us since the dawn of time, because about one in 1,000 babies is born in that condition. It's just that, for the last half million years, nobody's felt the need to pin a minority label on the poor sods.

Sometimes it puts my head in a bit of a spin. Only last night, the local telly was taking about a woman and her husband - except that when he finally appeared on the screen, he was a she. Or rather, as it then transpired, he was a former he who'd decided that he was now a she, but who had then put on a suit and tie, just to make it all right to be called a husband even though he (or she, as he now styled himself) wanted to be a former he and now a she. Got that?

No offence intended, and we're all liberals, and all that, but we're going to need some new words to describe these cross-gender roles if the rest of us aren't going to go barmy. You can stretch language just so far before you finally make yourself incomprehensible to everybody.


Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 16th, 2017, 2:50 pm
by didds


Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 16th, 2017, 8:29 pm
by malkymoo
Latest piece of complained-about cultural appropriation - Chanel boomerangs

In this case I could not help thinking that the complainants might have a good point.

Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 16th, 2017, 8:52 pm
by stevensfo
In this case I could not help thinking that the complainants might have a good point

I read that article twice. Then I read it like Paddington Bear, with one eye closed and the lights dimmed, hoping to understand it.

What a load of cr+p! A french luxury company makes some jewellery in boomerang shapes and we're supposed to think it's insulting somebody?

The clues are in the last quarter of the article. They mention 'compensation', 'money' etc

Oh great! Cultural Appropriation. Just another convenient expression that nobody understands.

The only example I can think of is Michael Jackson spending a fortune to turn his skin pink, but I'm sure there are others.


Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 17th, 2017, 2:33 pm
by DiamondEcho
malkymoo wrote:Latest piece of complained-about cultural appropriation - Chanel boomerangs

I read that and noted the country in question, and thought it might be re: Aussie chavs complaining 'some foreign shop' had appropriated their Christian name :lol:

Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 17th, 2017, 3:09 pm
by Gaggsy
gryffron wrote:
Rhyd6 wrote:Seems the LGBT community are annoyed that some firms are printing T shirts with "femme" written on them. Seems this word belongs to the LGBT community and others shouldn't use it

Well in that case, they can't have "LGB", which is owned by a German model railway company.


Surely, off-limits would be and ? - Life's Good, It's Good to Talk.

Whilst on acronyms, I'm sure I've seen that recent versions include a Q on the end of LGBT. Just to make sure nobody's missed out.

Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 18th, 2017, 9:31 am
by didds
I would think the bigger concern is not any alleged cultural appropriation, but there are people stupid enough to think a "boomerang" at that price is cool.

Does it come back if you throw it? Would anybody spending that amount of money on a piece of "Isawyoucoming" tat actually throw it away to find out?



Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 18th, 2017, 9:42 am
by swill453
I can't see why an expensive boomerang is any more objectionable than the cheap ones we used to buy on seaside holidays. And they didn't come back either.


Re: Cultural Appropriation

Posted: May 18th, 2017, 10:39 am
by DiamondEcho
didds wrote:I would think the bigger concern is not any alleged cultural appropriation, but there are people stupid enough to think a "boomerang" at that price is cool. Does it come back if you throw it? didds

It was a headline grabbing marketing gimmick, and it worked; witness this conversation.

Properly made boomerangs do come back, but only if you throw them in the correct way. Something that I don't recall being taught as a child growing up in the UK.