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AI endeavours

The Big Picture Place
Lemon Quarter
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Re: AI endeavours


Postby TUK020 » April 1st, 2024, 8:41 am

Sorcery wrote:
TUK020 wrote:
Interesting. I had a slightly different take on this - I was working at Intel in the early 80's when there was the battle for dominance between Motorola 68000 and Intel 8086/88.
I think Motorola had the better architecture at the time, but Intel grasped sooner that the key investment issue for their customers was in software development, and they put much more effort into design tools Development Systems, In Circuit Emulators etc.
And once a company had made significant investment in development tools, and then more critically in engineers training on compilers etc, then the design wins went down the path of least resistance

I remember the Motorola 68000 too but from a user programmer's perspective. In the days of using DEC PDP/11s and VAXs the 68000 looked more like a VAX apart from it only having 16 registers and split into 2*8, one set for addressing and one set for (arithmetic & data manipulation). In retrospect perhaps an 80386 with 32 bit addressing and 32 bit registers, would be a better comparison. The 8086/88 should never have become the chip of choice for IBM.

Turning to Microsoft, I seem to recall that an IBM purchasing manager visited the company that made the CP/M operating system and expecting to find an office full of head-down nerds, found that the CEO was playing golf. So the IBM person left and went to visit Microsoft also unannounced and gave them the operating system development which turned out to be MSDOS. Look at them now.

A couple of things it is easy to forget.
When IBM Entry Level Systems developed the PC, their 10 forecast for the device was 75k units. If they had had any inkling of how many they would actually have sold, they would have developed both processor and OS in house.
Secondly, when the PC was introduced, the 64k DRAM chips represented a significant % of the material cost. The selected 8088 chip only needed an 8 bit databus - only 8 memory chips needed, rather than 16 or 32.

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Re: AI endeavours


Postby Tedx » April 14th, 2024, 8:45 am

Some light relief from SNL last night

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Re: AI endeavours


Postby Hallucigenia » April 17th, 2024, 11:57 am

A small example of AI saving a lot of drudgery - one of the team gets Claude to look at an image of a government form (or even a crude sketch of one) and convert it into the standard workflow for filling in forms :

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Re: AI endeavours


Postby odysseus2000 » April 17th, 2024, 2:23 pm

Hallucigenia wrote:A small example of AI saving a lot of drudgery - one of the team gets Claude to look at an image of a government form (or even a crude sketch of one) and convert it into the standard workflow for filling in forms :

I get post deleted when trying to look at the link.


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Re: AI endeavours


Postby Hallucigenia » April 17th, 2024, 5:33 pm

odysseus2000 wrote:
Hallucigenia wrote:A small example of AI saving a lot of drudgery - one of the team gets Claude to look at an image of a government form (or even a crude sketch of one) and convert it into the standard workflow for filling in forms :

I get post deleted when trying to look at the link.

Tweets often seem to disappear at random under the new regime, maybe he has actually deleted it but a link to his Github is still there :

Also - a thread on how Israel is using AI against the Palestinians :

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Re: AI endeavours


Postby odysseus2000 » April 17th, 2024, 6:17 pm

Hallucigenia wrote:
odysseus2000 wrote:
I get post deleted when trying to look at the link.

Tweets often seem to disappear at random under the new regime, maybe he has actually deleted it but a link to his Github is still there :

Also - a thread on how Israel is using AI against the Palestinians :

The biometric targeting is presented as very reliable.

There are accounts on Twitter saying how the US systems can identify everyone on a street via the biometric data they hold.

However, the UK system fails miserably with my passport, so that I have had to be manually screened the last few times after the AI failed to reconcile me with the biometric data it has from my passport.

I have also seen video of foiling biometric Id by wearing various disguises & iPhone facial recognition does fail sometimes.

How much of the AI identification is fictional frighteners more than reality is unknown to me.

The other problem with going down this route of ai targeted assinations is that when both sides use it the ability to take out prominent people increases such that anyone considered a potential target has to effectively stay out of public view or be very expensively defended. It is one thing when this technology is used to kill low ranking individuals, but killing prominent politicians & their families makes for a very difficult home life & governance & near impossible foreign country visits where many difficult to detect ai slaughter bots can be deployed waiting for opportunities.


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Re: AI endeavours


Postby Hallucigenia » April 18th, 2024, 3:00 pm

The new "talking head" framework from Microsoft generates pretty impressive results from a still photo and an audio file : ... ct/vasa-1/

Not so keen on their choice of audio for the Mona Lisa but meh. Obviously the first use for this would be in Xbox games, but you can imagine all sorts of other uses given how easy it is to generate an audio file from text these days.

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Re: AI endeavours


Postby odysseus2000 » April 18th, 2024, 3:12 pm

Hallucigenia wrote:The new "talking head" framework from Microsoft generates pretty impressive results from a still photo and an audio file : ... ct/vasa-1/

Not so keen on their choice of audio for the Mona Lisa but meh. Obviously the first use for this would be in Xbox games, but you can imagine all sorts of other uses given how easy it is to generate an audio file from text these days.

A neighbour was scammed out of a few thousands by an AI pretending to be her daughter via audio & text.

The realism is reaching the point where mandatory captioning to indicate ai based in images & possibly audio too is looking like it will be needed.


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Re: AI endeavours


Postby odysseus2000 » April 18th, 2024, 3:14 pm

Google employees who protested Google’s business with Israel (that presumably includes AI) via an office invasion have been fired: ... DCpgdbFBxg


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Re: AI endeavours


Postby Clitheroekid » April 18th, 2024, 6:41 pm

Hallucigenia wrote:The new "talking head" framework from Microsoft generates pretty impressive results from a still photo and an audio file : ... ct/vasa-1/

If this is how far deepfake has come in just a couple of years then very soon it will be genuinely indistinguishable from the real thing.

So if we live in a world where anyone can be made to say anything in a completely convincing way how are we to distinguish fact from fiction? Whilst we may (or may not) trust major platforms like the BBC or CNN an increasing number of people derive their news from platforms like Facebook or TikTok, which have zero integrity.

The potential for harm seems incalculable.

As the Chinese curse predicted (and the names of the report's authors are telling) we're certainly living in interesting times ...

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Re: AI endeavours


Postby Hallucigenia » April 24th, 2024, 6:01 pm

odysseus2000 wrote:
Hallucigenia wrote:A small example of AI saving a lot of drudgery - one of the team gets Claude to look at an image of a government form (or even a crude sketch of one) and convert it into the standard workflow for filling in forms :

I get post deleted when trying to look at the link.

Reposted :

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