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Warp drive endeavours

Posted: February 17th, 2018, 10:40 pm
by odysseus2000
There is now a belief building that a warp drive is a plausible concept, with experiments showing some of the concepts being under taken at various universities & with the Chinese saying they have space based data.

Whether all of this stuff is pure pipe dream or the precursor to new space propulsion systems is unclear, but if correct the technical feasibility of such a drive looks plausible with current technology, suggesting that this could become a reality in a matter of years. The expected energy requirements are now manageable with known technology.

The economic impact of high speed space travel if created is unknowable, but would include colonisation of Mars & various other moons, mining of asteroids,...On a more mundane level one can expect a race to develop the technology. Traditionally this would be State v State, but the entry of Musk, Besos & Branson into commercial space ventures may mean it becomes a private race.

Perhaps more significant is potential contact with aliens

For anyone interested in the under lying physics, this is a good presentation. A knowledge of physics would help, but perhaps others with general interest would find it stimulating: ...


Re: Warp drive endeavours

Posted: February 19th, 2018, 11:45 am
by woolly
Wow. Are we still in the real world, or have we somehow been uploaded into a simulation where the impossible happens on a daily basis?

Re: Warp drive endeavours

Posted: February 19th, 2018, 3:03 pm
by odysseus2000
Wow. Are we still in the real world, or have we somehow been uploaded into a simulation where the impossible happens on a daily basis?

The history of technology is that when the time is right for something it happens in multiple places at around the same time.

People regularly obey the fashions of the age, doing recognisable things in periods, which is how it is possible to date photographs and artefacts relatively accurately and of course why it is hard to determine if something is a fake if it is dressed as to how things were done in the early period.

As soon as someone invents something that others see as useful, folk with similar skill sets invent their own versions and one suddenly has the new stuff all over the place.

If you look back to previous pivotal moments one always finds this kind of exponential growth.
