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Chinese military tech

Posted: June 14th, 2018, 10:56 am
by odysseus2000
Interesting how China's military capability has expanded. These slide images of Chinese military technology give no indication of how well they work, but they do have a wide portfolio of modern looking weapons: ... i-Fi+Movie

Kinda wonder how safe Taiwan is if the carrier killer rockets are capable of sinking US battle groups and how this will change the balance of power in the Pacific, likely leading to a new arms races in developing counter measures and new tactics. Trump's statements on the role of space as a potential combat theatre maybe suggest something of what US planners are thinking.

Inevitable that all the money China is making would create a strong military there and presumably in the by and by a big arms export industry, perhaps causing some pause in the growth of US defence contractors world wide sales, offset at least in some degree by the Pentagon wanting to have the best weapons. Would be nice if all of this money went into something more productive, but historically and currently this seems very unlikely.
