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Igindex down, cyber attack?

Posted: February 24th, 2020, 1:28 pm
by odysseus2000
Igindex trading platform has "issues":

This may turn out to be a random coincidence with a strong down day in the market, but even if not hostile action, it is another example of how dependent society now is on the internet, putting some of the debate about potential compromises allegedly built into the Huawei 5G routers into context.

Difficult for me to be fully confident in any internet system and yet it would be extremely difficult to revert to the pre-internet ways of doing things.
Kind of feels a little like Sky Net is becoming more potential reality than just fiction.

There must be investment opportunities in this field but its like the Buffett quip that you only find out who isn't wearing trunks when the tide goes out


Re: Igindex down, cyber attack?

Posted: February 24th, 2020, 1:52 pm
by odysseus2000
IG platform now back to normal operation.
