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Takeover season?

Posted: March 13th, 2022, 1:54 pm
by UncleEbenezer
Morrisons got taken over back in the autumn. Now it's more household names: Stagecoach (agreed offer), Pearson (tentative bid and improved bid rejected).

Have we entered a takeover season? Could other laggards of recent years be worth a punt?

Re: Takeover season?

Posted: March 13th, 2022, 3:19 pm
by Dod101
But this is nothing new. UK companies have been the target of successful or unsuccessful bids for years. No doubt there will be other bids.

Unilever for instance, is setting itself up for another bid and if it comes it would not be surprising if this time it fell.


Re: Takeover season?

Posted: March 13th, 2022, 7:35 pm
by odysseus2000
UncleEbenezer wrote:Morrisons got taken over back in the autumn. Now it's more household names: Stagecoach (agreed offer), Pearson (tentative bid and improved bid rejected).

Have we entered a takeover season? Could other laggards of recent years be worth a punt?

Yes, Russia are taking over Ukraine.

More seriously if we are entering a 2001 market, value shares with near guaranteed ability to remain profitable in a recession, like Stagecoach will be attractive to investors and by the same reasoning, high valuation stocks with no guaranteed ability to make profits will be unpopular.
