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Signs of excess

Posted: August 25th, 2017, 11:42 am
by GrandOiseau
Interesting light doom mongering article with some good examples proffered of the excesses.

I'm probably just talking my book as I've been distracted and let my ISA capital build whilst the FTSE marches on. Could an opportunity to make good long term investments be just around the corner?

Re: Signs of excess

Posted: September 8th, 2017, 9:18 am
by odysseus2000
The biggest sign of excess in my opinion is in the small amounts of money being paid out to the growing army of folk who now make a living blogging about things financial. An army of folk characterised by their great energy in writing articles that are often logical arguments based on ridiculous premise and often bullish if the subject of their article is going up, bearish if it is going down.

Anyone reading this stuff is very likely going to lose any chance they may have had to make money from investing, perhaps their best profit potential is to join this army of folk and also get paid for writing rubbish.
