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The shock doctrine - shocking if true

Posted: August 26th, 2017, 2:44 pm
by doug2500
I'm half way through this book and am a mixture between stunned, horrified, incredulous and a bit cynical, can this really be true?

The first part is shocking but not really relevant, and it gets better once you get past that and into economics . It then looks at the link between violence, democracy and free market capitalism. The conclusions it draws in multiple cases is horrifying if true, and that's the problem - how can I ever establish if it's true? I must admit there's something about it that feels 'right' and I'm no left leaning socialist.

Was the rise of the Russian oligarch thanks to the US, the IMF and the world bank? If you're interested, you might find this book of interest. ... 0312427999

Interestingly the book seems to be either well reviewed, or hated as being lefty rubbish. It's such a big subject I can't see how you could ever find the absolute truth, no amount of research is going to help you.