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Fifth force?

Posted: August 10th, 2023, 4:40 pm
by XFool
Scientists at Fermilab close in on fifth force of nature

BBC News

Scientists near Chicago say they may be getting closer to discovering the existence of a new force of nature.

"They have found more evidence that sub-atomic particles, called muons, are not behaving in the way predicted by the current theory of sub-atomic physics.

Scientists believe that an unknown force could be acting on the muons.

Re: Fifth force?

Posted: August 10th, 2023, 5:15 pm
by GrahamPlatt
I’m betting that the search for ever more fundamental particles and forces is just plunging into a Mandelbrot set type of situation, and the deeper you go the more detail you see. Though it’s sort of repetitive. Perhaps there’s an algorithm for that.

Re: Fifth force?

Posted: August 11th, 2023, 2:50 pm
by odysseus2000
GrahamPlatt wrote:I’m betting that the search for ever more fundamental particles and forces is just plunging into a Mandelbrot set type of situation, and the deeper you go the more detail you see. Though it’s sort of repetitive. Perhaps there’s an algorithm for that.

Another rubbish article.

We all know the Standard Model is seriously flawed in many ways.

The article should have focused on what the experimentalists claim to have measured, not regurgitating standard model potential violations with out describing what they are, especially when standard model theorists are arguing that the measurements may not be inconsistent.
