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Fitness apps

Posted: January 4th, 2017, 8:16 pm
by stooz
Right, the doc says I have to loose weight.
Ive installed the fitbit app to track my eating
StepUp to find friends to compete against for steps
and google fit which seems to do much the same without the social competitiveness.

I feel like i've lost weight already :)

I thought about getting a fitbit, but the phone seems to track well enough, not accurate but a measure at least. Then I discover smart phones like the moto 360 watch which looks so sexy to a geek like me.

So do I buy a smart pedometer for £20 or go mad and get a fitbit or a smart googlefit compatible device... ??

Re: Fitness apps

Posted: January 4th, 2017, 9:19 pm
by Raptor
I got a flex 2 from my daughter, having synch problems though, but the steps and sleep parts seem very good. The calory in/out seems to explain why I cannot put on weight. Loads of people at the gym have fitbit devices and seem very happy. What is also good is that a lot of the equipment has apps that synch to keep good track of your progress. Over the top for me but everyones seems to be linked up.

The synch problem is that although their web site says compatible with galaxy tab 3, in fact they know it does not work. They are sending me free dongle, meanwhile I synch with my neighbours iphone or the housekeepers galaxy phone. My phone is too old to be compatible.


Re: Fitness apps

Posted: January 4th, 2017, 11:04 pm
by Clavain
I have a Fitbit Charge HR, now been replaced in the lineup by the Charge 2. I think i may get it, looks more smart watchish, i like the Fitbit interface and my wife has one also so have linked as friends, cue competition.

I like the extra info on Heart Rate, interesting to see how as steps increase over time the resting heart rate has fallen. This coupled with doing a regular walking route has shown how my peak HR has also dropped. Not sure i would have persisted without this extra data showing a fairly speedy response to increased fitness.