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American idiot

Posted: July 6th, 2018, 9:01 am
by didds
DAK which sites one can purchase Green Day's "American Idiot" from this week such that it will count towards becoming #1 on July 13th?

For those that find this concept peurile, you are probably right - please just move on ;-)


Re: American idiot

Posted: July 6th, 2018, 9:28 am
by UncleEbenezer
didds wrote:DAK which sites one can purchase Green Day's "American Idiot" from this week such that it will count towards becoming #1 on July 13th?

For those that find this concept peurile, you are probably right - please just move on ;-)


Peurile[sic]? Maybe I would if I had a clue what you were talking about (saw the title, expected an anecdote about someone you'd encountered). Let me guess: it's someone's dig at Trump?

More to the point, WTF is the significance of July 13th? Surely July 4th is the big day for 'merkins?

Re: American idiot

Posted: July 6th, 2018, 9:41 am
by redsturgeon ... uly-visit/

Trump's visit to the UK July 13th.


Re: American idiot

Posted: July 6th, 2018, 11:33 am
by UncleIan
A semi serious answer. I don't know, and you shouldn't be able to find out much.

I used to work for an equivalent charting company in a different medium.

They'll probably collect sales info from most bricks and mortar stores, they won't get 100% coverage most likely, and then will use statistical tricks to round up sales to represent the whole market. If you want to buy just one track, the mighty Amazon I guess. I'd be amazed if such a big player didn't contribute to the chart figures. The singles chart now includes streaming too. I'd guess from Amazon Prime music, and Spotify amongst others. I'd assume one "stream" doesn't count for the same amount as one purchase, but I don't know the ratio.

You want that song at number 1 when he's here next week? Almost certainly too late. The new weekly chart that Radio 1 uses is broadcast/released Friday afternoon. Though actually, he's here on the 13th right? That's next Friday. Okay, log into Spotify 10 times and play it on repeat all day every day. :)

I'd imagine that the chart people also do statistical tricks to smooth anomalous data, i.e. data that's too far out of whack. I.e. if everyone else is doing it too, you're probably fine, but if you, say, set up 10 servers all with 20 browsers all logged into Spotify all playing the same random track 24/7, I'd expect the chart company to have something that spots attempts to game the system.

Re: American idiot

Posted: July 6th, 2018, 12:46 pm
by didds
apparently sales from July 6th count.