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Press complaint

Posted: July 30th, 2018, 7:43 pm
by swill453
Who does one complain to about offensive content on a newspaper web site?

I'm not suggesting anyone looks at it, but right now on the front page of Daily Mail online, is a video, which automatically plays, of a "Russian mafia godfather" being literally shot to death.

Of course you might say it's my own fault for looking at the Daily Mail, but seriously, this can't be legal can it?


Re: Press complaint

Posted: July 30th, 2018, 7:55 pm
by Itsallaguess
swill453 wrote:
Who does one complain to about offensive content on a newspaper web site?

I'm not suggesting anyone looks at it, but right now on the front page of Daily Mail online, is a video, which automatically plays, of a "Russian mafia godfather" being literally shot to death.

You can make a complaint via IPSO, the Independent Press Standards Organisation.

Their website states -

You can make a complaint about any newspaper or magazine which is regulated by IPSO. You must make a complaint under the Editors' Code of Practice. You can complain about editorial material in print or on-line including:

- articles
- images (including video)

Here's a link to the 'Editors' Code of Practice' -

You can make a complaint via this link - ... ints-form/

You can also telephone them here -

0300 123 22 20 - (Hours are 9am until 5.30pm)

If you're wanting a swifter response, then it might be worth trying their Twitter feed -



Re: Press complaint

Posted: July 30th, 2018, 8:05 pm
by swill453
Sorry I should have said I had looked at IPSO, and they are very specific about what you can complain to them about, and none of the categories seem to match:

Intrusion into grief or shock
Reporting Suicide
Children in sex cases
Reporting of Crime
Clandestine devices and subterfuge
Victims of sexual assault
Financial journalism
Confidential sources
Witness payments in criminal trials
Payments to criminals


Re: Press complaint

Posted: July 30th, 2018, 9:08 pm
by johnhemming
Normally it is best to complain directly to the news outlet first and only go to the regulator after either an inadequate or a delayed response.