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"My Missus" - Stanley Holloway - backing track/sheet music

Posted: January 24th, 2018, 8:14 pm
by didds
I have googled to no effect - but am always amazed at the abilities of TLF's crew to find stuff!

At a Burns Supper tyhis weekend my party piece/addrss to the lassies I thought could be a rendition of Stanley Holloway's "My Missus"

(here it is on Youtube -

It will particularly nice because two friends that are attending are Mr and Mrs Brown :-)

Anyway, whilst I can sing it A Cappella if I coud have a recorded backing track that would be even better.

DAK where I can find online preferably a backing track/the music without anybody singing... or the sheet music and maybe I can get a piano playing friend to play it and I'll record it.

